Roswell Community Church
Reopening for the Summer of 2020
2728 Beacon St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Dear Roswell Members and Friends, we are pleased to announce that we will begin to hold Sunday Morning Worship Services and Adult Sunday School again, starting on July 5th, 2020. Start times will be the same as always, 0930 for Sunday School and 10:30 for Sunday Service. Sunday evening service and our young adults’ group will begin anew on July 12th. Our hearts gladly welcome our church members, friends, and community. We dearly missed everyone while closed due to the COVID- 19 cautionary measures and are eager to see all of you again. We can hardly wait.
Coming out of these difficult and trying times we have made some changes that we ask you to be aware of. First of all, however, we ask that you keep your own health and welfare in mind. If you have any preexisting health concerns that may make you more susceptible to this illness, please continue to join us via webcast and join us again in person when your health allows you to. We also ask that if you have recently shown any virus related symptoms such as dry cough, shortness of breath, or fever that you remain home and focus on your healing before you come back and join us.
Here are some of the temporary changes we have made, and we ask that you support us in making this reopening a continuing success for the best of our community and our service to God.
Unfortunately, at this time there will be no nursery available at this time. We will begin holding Children’s church and kid’s Sunday school in mid-August around the time schools are scheduled to restart. We miss the children of our church very much and we ask parents to please use their best judgment in bringing children under 10 years old until we are able to fully reopen.
Our hearts and prayers continue to go out to all of you and we pray and look forward to the time when we will be able to meet in worship and study again soon.
Roswell Community Church